25 Jan Supporting our Local Community Orchard
Whilst watching the inauguration of Joe Biden, you will have heard Garth Brooks sing Amazing Grace, a song that was written in Olney, where we are based. On the 1st January 2023 the song will be celebrating its 250th Anniversary, as a way of commemorating this event the Olney Allotment Association are creating a Community Orchard. They have been given permission by the Town Council to use a piece of land by the allotments, with a plan to plant 50 heritage Fruit Trees.
The Orchard will have multiple benefits for our local community and wildlife including:
- Protecting our environment to help eliminate carbon emissions.
- Become a historical and environmental educational resource for all generations. With plans for it to be added as a point of interest on the Olney Circular walk.
- An opportunity for local residents to learn new skills related to orchard management and wildlife conservation.
- Community Celebrations such as wassailing and cider days.
Whilst the Town Council have kindly granted permission for the orchard to be planted, the Allotment Association need to raise the funds to buy the trees, landscaping and boundary fence etc. In line with our target to plant a thousand trees in partnership with for Forest at Marston Vale in 2021, we are very pleased to have also purchased two trees for the Olney Community Orchard. One for KCS Compliance and one for Bid & Tender Support to support this brilliant initiative in our local community. We are looking forward to getting involved with planting our trees next year and enjoying the orchard for years to come.