06 Sep MK’s Reputation Grows as a Technology and Innovation Hub
By Katy Berrill, Tuesday 6th September 2016
Milton Keynes is fast becoming famous not just for its concrete cows, roundabouts and shopping centre but as a place to live, grow up and do business. It is a hive of activity with one of the highest start-up rates in the UK as well as numerous larger London based businesses relocating out to Milton Keynes. A number of successful case studies have demonstrated how young, innovative technology companies have thrived on being part of a growing and powerful community within MK.
Historically, when talking about Technology Hubs, MK would not feature very high on anyone’s list but today it really is recognised as a vibrant, sustainable and technology-based economy.
With investment into initiatives, projects and research this reputation is set to continue with MK:Smart, a collaborative initiative to develop innovative solutions to support economic growth in Milton Keynes.
The MK Data Hub, a project of MK:Smart, will be a state of the art facility for supporting the acquisition and management of data relevant to city systems. Innovation will incorporate transport, energy and water management as well as ambitious education, business and community engagement.
Bid & Tender Support work closely with Biztech who have been at the forefront of innovation and technology in MK since 2009. Biztech’s vision is to provide a trusted source of information and practical advice on the application of technology for business within MK by facilitating shared experiences and expertise in information and communication technology. With a growing number of Bid & Tender Support Clients leading the way in their industries, innovation is at the heart of everything we do.
Katy Berrill Director of Bid & Tender Support said, ‘Milton Keynes has proven to be an exceptionally well appointed location for us to launch and grow our business successfully over the last few years. The market has gone from strength to strength and by collaborating and sharing information with organisations such as Biztech we are able to achieve so much more as a thriving business community than we could ever do on our own. We are excited to see how MK:Smart and its associated Projects will bring further opportunities to the area.’
A number of other initiatives which have helped put MK on the map with regards to Technology are the BrightSparc Annual Awards which take place every June and showcase and celebrate technology and innovation in the Milton Keynes region and also the Annual MKEX Technology Exhibition.
It would appear that Milton Keynes is leading from the front with regards to Innovation and Technology and the businesses based here are benefitting from that.