31 Mar Covid-19 Testing
Over the past two weeks we have seen an increase in the number of COVID 19 related contracts being put out to tender. This week we saw a tender for HealthTrust Europe who are looking to establish a Framework Agreement for the supply of COVID-19 Testing equipment, consumables and related services and with the increase in demand we are likely to see more.
This comes after the Government announced that they are working with industries, Universities and Laboratories to produce Nationwide testing kits, firstly for those frontline NHS staff. This comes as an additional programme of testing over and above the current NHS and Public Health England tests and will greatly increase the capacity of testing.
In what is an unknown pandemic the country’s services and industries are pulling together to ensure that as a country we protect the NHS and save lives. As announced in an article on Saturday work is already underway to source more of these testing kits and will likely see an increase in tenders over the coming weeks.