04 Feb Children’s Mental Health week
As a parent or carer the health and wellbeing of our children is always a concern. In the past year, during the Covid-19 Pandemic has concern has been at the forefront of our minds. The impact of school closures and lockdowns on the mental wellbeing of our children from nursery age up can be seen in a number of ways. Whilst our children are amazingly resilience there will have been a level of impact on them all, even if its only been small.
Whether you are at home juggling work and home schooling or a keyworker balancing work and dropping off your children at school or simply juggling life and home learning, we are in exceptional times which are exhausting for all of us. This exhaustion and stress will have an impact on not only us but our Children as well.
With this week being Children’s Mental Health Week the importance of this topic can be highlighted. There are a number of ways as parents or carers we can allow our Children to express themselves in whichever way they can. The charities Royal patron HRH The Duchess of Cambridge’s launched the start of the week with a video where she reminded us that parental wellbeing and mental health has never been so important, so try and take the time for you, express yourselves and let your children express themselves and remember to be kind to yourselves.
To find out more about Children’s Mental Health Charity and the activities for this week, head over to their website for support. https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/