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      By Louise Lewis, August 2nd 2016 The definition of success and achievement is different for everyone, what is success in your world? Most people’s conventional ideas of success are, achieving independence, attaining power or position, or amassing wealth but this is not true for everyone, achieving...

      By Christine Brown, June 21st 2016 Domiciliary Care isn’t provided by the NHS; however, we see many tenders from local authorities funding care for residents in their area needing assistance. The services required come in many forms to suit the needs of anyone requiring assistance with...

      By Louise Lewis, June 14th 2016 The key to success is to wait for a tender opportunity that is right for you. Tendering for a contract that you’re not going to have chance of winning wastes valuable time and will reduce your confidence in going for...

      By Louise Lewis, May 24th 2016 Many people are confused about the concept of bidding for work and with European Union legislation being in force suppliers are increasingly required to enter into a pre-contract competition in order to win work via written submissions. You need particular skills...

      By Louise Lewis, May 16th 2016 Sometimes it can be tough on small business owners, with the responsibility for finances, operations, marketing and overall strategy and management falling on their shoulders; as the company, grows, it’s important to be able to delegate elements of this without...

      By Scott Jones, 123 Internet Group, 11th May 2016 Many companies are learning that outsourcing marketing responsibilities can be a good idea. To decide whether you should outsource your entire marketing strategy, part of your efforts, or none at all, you need to really understand your company...

      By Richard Carman, Continuity Partner, 19th April 2016 The quote “nobody ever got fired for buying IBM” is as valid today as it ever was. It strikes to the heart of the buying process within many organisations. If the new supplier relationship does not deliver as expected...