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      By Christine Brown, 2nd November 2016 Over 400 years on and we still celebrate the failure of the infamous Gunpowder Plot every November 5th. But how do you make sure the impact of your bid makes a big bang rather than the disappointing sizzle of a...

      By Christine Brown, Tuesday 18th October 2016 For those new to the world of bids and tenders, the acronyms commonly used can be confusing enough on their own to send people running. For those dipping their feet into the tendering world, or even a reminder for...

      By Louise Lewis, Tuesday 11th October 2016 Being a relatively new city, Milton Keynes was designed from the ground up as an environment which would nurture new businesses and attract all kinds of industries with more than 10,000 companies, large and small, choosing to locate in...

      By Louise Lewis, Tuesday 4th October 2016 Building a winning culture in an organisation isn’t easy, it takes hard-work, communication, understanding and patience and some organisations struggle to achieve this with many of their employees feeling demotivated and under-valued. Employing the right kind of people and making...

      By Louise Lewis, Tuesday 27th September 2016 What is a bid writing service? Outsourced Bid Writing Services provide professional Bid Writers, Bid Managers and Bid Administrators who prepare documents for submission by a company to win contracts or apply for funding. Why use a bid writer? Bid writing can...

      By Christine Brown, Tuesday 20th September 2016 Bid Qualification The bid response process can be time consuming to say the least, and the last thing anyone wants is to go through all that stress and all those long nights then not win the business. By taking a...

      By Christine Brown, Wednesday 14th September 2016 When it comes to winning a bid, every point matters. If you want to avoid the frustration of losing out to the competition by a miniscule difference in scoring, you need to make sure you are not only agreeing...

      By Christine Brown, Wednesday 10th August 2016 The summer months are often the time where a rigorous bid qualification and planning process is of most importance. With many staff taking vacation days to make the most of the good weather or cover summer childcare, taking the...