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      By Louise Lewis, Tuesday 21st February 2017 1. Identify the client’s need and think from the client’s perspective. What is it they need and how can this be addressed and tailored? 2. Don’t bid for everything – make sure that the opportunity is winnable, deliverable and profitable....

      By Louise Lewis, Tuesday 7th February 2017 Bid managers have busy and somewhat chaotic working schedules with last minute deadlines disrupting everything! Efficient use of time management techniques in a Bid Process are imperative to helping improve your performance and reduce stress levels. There are some...

      By Alan Johnson, Tuesday 31st January 2017 How serious do commissioners take social value when considering contracts. Research has shown in England it’s still sporadic. In Scotland the equivalent community benefits has a bit more teeth, particularly as public sector commissioners are expected to report to...

      By Penny Pinnell, Tuesday 17th January 2017 For many Companies, the cost incurred internally through the writing of bids can often be overlooked or at the very least underestimated. There are various factors which need to be considered before creating the content for the responses, arguably...

      By Christine Brown, Wednesday 14th December 2016 The countdown to Christmas is well underway with children (and some adults) eagerly opening advent calendar doors counting down to the big man making his way down the chimney. And if the excitement of Christmas parties and stresses of...

      By Christine Brown, Tuesday 6th December 2016 As much as you may love to laugh at the Darwin Awards each year (an annual publication recognising individuals who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool via death or sterilisation by...

      By Louise Lewis, 8th November 2016 To avoid the potential threat of disaster within an organisation it is necessary to consider all possible incident types as well as the impact they may have on the organisation’s ability to continue to deliver normal business services in circumstances...