21 Feb Bid Writing Series – Healthcare
Following on from our first two blogs in our Bid Writing Series, this week we are looking at Bid Writing in the Healthcare industry. We look at the differences in writing bids for providing services to the healthcare industry compared to other industries and how we can help and support you in the process.
Due to the nature of healthcare industry involving vulnerable people with their family and friends in often emotional situations, the buyers are not just looking for facts and figures. They are looking for much more about showing how you provide the care or service, as well as completing the standard tick boxes for compliance.
It doesn’t matter if you are offering to provide a service to manage the out of hours phone system or the staff who will care for the patients, your ability as a supplier to show compassion and provide fully comprehensive answers to the questions including demonstrating compliance to all the regulations is essential.
We would recommend reviewing the specification and essential requirements, making sure that you meet the criteria and can provide the evidence needed before you even start formulating responses. If you can’t meet the criteria, no matter how well you can answer the quality questions you will simply fail.
We offer support to clients ensuring they are Bid Fit and ready before we even start completing tenders for you. With over 8 years’ experience in writing responses for Healthcare tenders, we can ensure you are compliant and have the correct policies and procedures in place to get through the stages and win that bid.
With the ‘where there’s blame, there’s a claim’ culture we live in, it is essential that you have all established basic and advanced training in place for your staff needed to really shine in tenders, including from Safeguarding, dealing with patients with dementia and that you are compliant with the Health and Social Care act 2008 and CQC regulations 2009.
As is the case with many practical industries, we find that service providers may have a wealth of knowledge, but struggle to write comprehensive answers explaining how their processes achieve and show that they have the experience to meet the requirements of the service.
With a complete bid support package designed to flexibly meet the needs of each of our clients, we can offer a Search Service (to find those tenders), a complete bid writing, management and review package and most importantly the confidence that we are managing it.
So why not focus on what you do best and allow our Bid Writing Experts help you and complete your tenders for you. Whether it is help with the Bid Writing itself or simply offering a bid review service, Bid & Tender Support is here to help you. Please give us a call on 01908 382 414 or email us info@bidandtendersupport.co.uk