11 Dec Beating the last minute Christmas Rush
With Christmas coming at an alarming rate – lists and lists of things you need to do, get and complete, now is the time to STOP. Take a few minutes to take stock and look at what you need to complete to ensure that you can switch off your computer and enjoy the festive season without the worry of work hanging over your head!
If Father Christmas can travel 510,000,000 km in 32 hours with some careful planning (and a bit of magic!), you can definitely meet all the deadlines in time for the big day. You may even be able to fit in the last minute present shopping, some Christmas Carols and a few drinks to celebrate.
Here are our top tips to beating the Christmas Rush.
- With a little help from friends – Father Christmas only managed to get all the presents delivered with a little help from his Reindeer and the Elves. Many hands make light work. Review what is needed for the bid, source the resources from the relevant teams in your company to add their input to their designated sections.
- The countdown to Christmas is on – Provide clear deadlines to those helping you and know by when you want to have the work completed. Posters and mind maps are great visual reminders of what needs to be done. Don’t forget to look at the work for the New Year as well. Make sure you get a start on that as well so it’s not a mad rush on your return in the New Year.
- Focus on the Star – Like the wise men following the Star, keep the focus and regroup regularly to ensure you are on track and get to where you need to be. It can be easy to be side tracked or tasks taking longer than you think. Check in on all team members and keep the focus on so that you reach that deadline.
Lastly, when everything has been submitted, make sure to celebrate with everyone who helped you get there, and have a very Happy Christmas!