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      Author: Katy Berrill

      Falling at the last hurdle in any exercise is hard. You’ve invested time and money on the bid process only to find out you failed due to lack of a specific accreditation. All your competitors have it - even though they may not be as...

      Our Director Katy Berrill, returned to the Dragons' Den on Wednesday 14th November, this time as Head Dragon to lead a team in the judging and investment process for the first stage of this year’s Young Enterprise competition. The event saw a number of teams...

      Our quick reference guide to the many abbreviations found in bid and tender documents.   Everywhere you look there are abbreviations and terms for everything, in fact today’s children can almost have a whole conversation using abbreviations.  Bid and Tender documents are no different, they use abbreviations...

      SQ’s - do you truly understand the question? Recently I was talking about bid writing and trying to explain what it involves. Until someone completes a tender process I’m not sure they will truly understand.  The best comparison I could find was that it was like...

      The budget is out and here is how it may affect you… We have picked out a selection of key points, but also provided a link to a more detailed write up from our Partners Haines Watts Business Advisers and Accountants: Personal Tax – both the...

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