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      Why write an executive summary?

      Why write an executive summary?

      There are two Schools of thought on Executive Summaries – should they be written first or last. First enables you to set the overall tone and key messages for the proposal/response and therefore the rest of the responses fall in line with the messages in the Executive Summary. The latter allows you to develop the offering throughout the responses and then summarise these once complete to bring it all together.

      Either way you can waste a lot of time if you do not approach an Executive Summary in the right manner and will have wasted the many hours spent on the tender response. We have put together this quick guide on how to complete a winning Executive Summary:


      What is an Executive Summary?

      An executive summary is a document produced to summarise your tender response. It should be written in a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with your proposal and offering including key messages and overall proposition, without having to read pages of response.

      Often an executive summary will be read in the first instance to get an understanding of your offering or by more senior management who need to select between several high scoring tenders.


      How to Write a Winning Tender Executive Summary?

      Most importantly if you are required to write an executive summary ensure it meets the requirements, page limits, font size and type. It is an important sales tool, and you may find that you need to write in a different way to the rest of the document, so enlisting the help of another colleague may ensure the best result.

      Top tips:

      • Set out a clear structure highlighting the key messages in your offering.
      • Relate your offering back to the client requirements to show relevance
      • Highlight the value you offer in your pricing
      • Why you – not just the features of your proposal but also the benefits.


      Follow these steps and remember to keep it to a Summary – this is your opportunity to set the tone and really pitch your offering – which may not have been possible throughout the tender document when answering buyer questions.


      Need Help With Writing A Tender Executive Summary? Contact Us!