19 Dec 2019 Round Up
As some of you may be aware this year we have decided not to do our annual Christmas Cards and Planners in the post but instead have put the funds towards donations and items for the Winter Night Shelter Milton Keynes.
So we thought we’d take this opportunity to pass on our thanks to all those who have supported us this year in all our endeavors both in raising money for charity and delivering some really exceptional bids and wins.
A quick round up of that work is detailed below:
- Bid & Tender Support are very lucky to have a team of hard-working dedicated individuals who have made all of the following possible.
- Celebrating 5 years in business this year and recognising a large number of clients we worked with in our first year of business still very much active with us
- We raised £3,100 for a number of charities this year including Guide Dogs for the Blind, Macmillan, The Dogs Trust, Macintyre and the Winter Night Shelter MK.
- Great ongoing Partnerships with Haines Watts in supporting their Research & Development Technical Write Up Team and Sales Engine for ongoing exciting Bid and Training Projects.
- We have completed over 350 jobs in the last 12 months for clients including both bid and compliance projects
- Lesley has sent out 2000 opportunities through our Search Service in 2019!
- We have been tracking our time and productivity across the business to ensure our clients get the very best of our attention and time which has enabled us to deliver the high standards we set even whilst busy
- Our Compliance Services have developed and expanded this year to include ISO 9001 Implementations, Quality Management System Auditing, Compliance Training, Accreditations and the development of our in-house software ComplianceManaged with Julia Hepburn joining us in April as Compliance Coordinator
- We’ve invested in training through the APMP and making sure our approach continues to evolve to the benefit of our clients.
We look forward to working on how the two sides of our offering can support and work together to the benefit of our clients.
All that leaves for me to say is a very Happy Christmas and best wishes to you all, I hope you have a relaxing, recharging and enjoyable time with family and friends and we look forward to working with you all again in 2020!